#1 Food To Add To Your Thyroid Diet

Autoimmune diet protocol for thyroid conditions often requires excluding many foods from the diet. Restrictions often make it hard to sustain and follow. Furthermore, many people make a very common mistake by focusing only on the foods that they cannot eat and feel even more deprived. One of the ways to make autoimmune protocol easier to follow and implement is to start to pay more attention to foods that you CAN add to your diet. The number one thyroid food to eat is bone broth. While it is a … [Read more...]

FREE Solution For Thyroid Related Dehydration

Do you wonder if there is a connection between low thyroid and dehydration? Actually, there is!Thyroid hormones are important for regulating the body's metabolism, which is the process by which the body converts food into energy. When metabolism is not functioning properly, it can lead to a number of symptoms including dehydration.One of the main symptoms of hypothyroidism is fatigue, which can lead to a lack of physical activity and a decreased ability to perspire. This can cause the body to … [Read more...]

5 Key Nutrients To Control Blood Sugar And Insulin Resistance In Hypothyroidism

Did you know that some thyroid symptoms can look very similar and overlap with other health conditions? In fact, it could be one of the reasons why some symptoms don't go away even after getting treatment for hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Here are some examples. If you struggle with any or all of the following symptoms: ▪You feel low on energy and like you are “dragging” ▪You feel like your brain is “foggy” ▪You feel you are hungry more than … [Read more...]

How To Clear Thyroid Related Brain Fog And Fatigue

Coconut oil is by far one of the best fats or cooking oils, for people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. But what if I told you there’s another little-known super nutritious type of dietary fat that’s scientifically proven to be FOUR times more effective than coconut oil when it comes to increasing metabolism and mental focus, curbing the appetite, providing more energy and greater mental clarity (aka lifting brain fog)? It is called MCTs or "medium-chain triglycerides" that are … [Read more...]

New Discovery: Best Weight Loss and Metabolism Boosting Probiotic

Years ago I wrote an article about specific probiotic strains that can benefit your thyroid health the most. You can learn more about it and try it for FREE here Today I would like to share with you another important discovery about 6 more probiotic strains that can actually help you lose weight and were found to be lacking in overweight individuals . Scientists from Harvard, Mayo Clinic, Laval Medical University have recently described a new approach that helps to lose more weight than … [Read more...]

Hypothyroidism Treatment That Works

Interview with Tom Brimeyer, a Functional Medicine Practitioner and Author of Hypothyroidism Revolution program 1. Many Outsmart Disease readers who submitted their questions to you tried different brands of thyroid medication, many supplements and different diets (juicing, no gluten, candida diet, eliminating some foods) but still experience many hypothyroid symptoms. Most common are weight gain, depression, low energy, sleep issues and hair loss. They feel like nothing works for them and … [Read more...]

This Fat Is 4 Times Better For Your Thyroid Than Coconut Oil

  Coconut oil is by far one of the best fats or cooking oils, for people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease. Most benefits of using coconut oil for thyroid health are related to its ability to prevent other external factors from suppressing your thyroid. Here Is Why Coconut Oil Is Good For The Thyroid Most of the benefits of using coconut oil for thyroid health are related to its ability to prevent other external factors from suppressing your thyroid. 1. Coconut oil … [Read more...]

How To Stop Gut Bacteria From Messing Up Your Thyroid Health

  Your thyroid health depends on your gut or gastrointestinal health. So many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease struggle with symptoms that are directly related to what is happening in their digestive tract such as intestinal inflammation, leaky gut syndrome, infections, parasites, acid reflux, impaired digestion and constipation. One of the strategies to improve your thyroid and gastrointestinal problems at the same time is to cultivate good gut bacteria or your … [Read more...]

How To Exercise With Hypothyroidism When You Are Stacked At Home

Free Report: 3 Most Common Myths About Thyroid And Exercise Debunked Written by Dr. Tom Brimeyer is a Functional medicine practitioner and Thyroid Expert,  who recovered from hypothyroidism and helped thousands of people permanently overcome hypothyroidism. He is an Author of Hypothyroidism Revolution and Hypothyroidism Exercise Revolution programs Introduction This free report reveals 3 most common fitness myths that prevent people who have hypothyroidism from getting in a better physical … [Read more...]

#1 Food To Stock Up On During Quarantine (in stock, ships to your door)

Thousands of events have been canceled; schools, restaurants, bars, and clubs have been closed; and transit systems are at a standstill. Borders have been closed down. And that doesn't even touch the state of grocery stores nationwide... shelves are empty, lines are out the doors with hours of waiting just to get INTO the store, and the little they do have is being rationed. Meat and quality protein sources? Almost non-existent. What Are Alternative Protein Sources? When a nation-wide … [Read more...]

How To Optimize Your Hypothyroidism Treatment For Weight Loss

Many people with hypothyroidism and autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease struggle with weight gain and have difficulties in losing weight. They know from experience that no matter how hard you exercise and how clean you eat, getting a bikini body becomes impossible when your thyroid is off. But what exactly happens to your body that makes you gain weight? How Hypothyroidism Can Ruin Your Metabolism And Cause Weight Gain 1.Hypothyroidism slows down your metabolism. When your hypothyroidism … [Read more...]

The Best Protection Against Gluten-Induced Intestinal Damage You Can Get

Health trends come and go but “gluten-free” is NOT one of them because gluten can cause serious health issues. Research tells us that gluten is a growing problem because there is a direct connection between gluten and disease. Many people are living with celiac disease, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy and autoimmune diseases including Hashimoto’s thyroiditis when gluten becomes one of the major triggers of inflammation, symptoms and flare-ups. The rates of autoimmunity have been skyrocketing … [Read more...]