Thyroid Recovery: How To Get Started (FREE Reports)

You're one of the first to know, so I hope you take advantage of this. I just set up a page where you can get a free access to Thyroid eReports that will help you to find YOUR way to thyroid recovery and improve your health. It's all about how to eat, exercise and live to look and feel better than you ever have before. It is about how to make your future better than the past. It's about not accepting that where you're at now is "just as good as it gets", and it's about redefining … [Read more...]

Thyroid Foods Can Be Healing But Only When You Are Using Them Correctly

Hippocrates, the father of modern medicine is often quoted as having said, “Let food be your medicine and medicine be your food.” This is a powerful statement! But it's not complete. The truth is that not all foods and herbs are good for all people or all conditions. I see many people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s disease trying every new diet, detox, herbal fad and thyroid foods they come across. Unfortunately, what they don't realize is that not all foods and herbs, no matter how … [Read more...]

How To Heal Thyroid Nutritionally On A Budget

An Interview with Dr. Jill Tieman who is a Certified Nutritionist and Chiropractor, a Chapter Leader for the Great South Bay chapter of the Weston A. Price Foundation and Author of  Go Grain-Free cooking class 1. How what we eat affects our genetics and is there any connection to autoimmune disease Most definitely what we eat affects our genetics. In fact, there is a whole new body of research called epigenetics that deals with this subject. Epigenetics refers to changes in gene expression … [Read more...]

Submit YOUR Questions To 3 Thyroid Experts

If you have or suspect that you may have any thyroid and/or autoimmune condition you have A LOT of questions to ask about your health. If you are looking for answers, you NOW have the opportunity to get the answers to the thyroid questions you have always wanted. Three thyroid experts agreed to give me an interview how they heal thyroid, autoimmune and chronic diseases using a holistic approach. All of them have extensive knowledge and experience working with people who have … [Read more...]

What Are Probiotics and Probiotic-Rich Diet?

Many people are surprised to discover that the human intestinal tract contains up to 100 trillion bacteria that represent more than 400 different species. However, not all bacteria are bad for you. There are 3 main types of bacteria: Pathogenic bacteria that causes disease Commensal bacteria that are micro organisms that have a neutral effect Intestinal flora, probiotics or eubiotics are all beneficial bacteria such as lactobacilli that is found mainly in the small intestines and … [Read more...]

Can Thyroid Disease Be Caused By Epstein Barr Virus?

Is this a popular myth? Or is this the truth that thyroid disease is caused by Epstein Barr Virus? Epstein Barr (EBV) is a highly contagious virus. It is part of the herpes family of viruses and one of the most common in the world, with almost the entire human population being exposed to it at some point in their life (90-95% of all people). EBV is stealth. It can establish “lifelong latency and intermittent reactivation after primary infection and with limited clinical symptoms in the … [Read more...]

Why Thyroid Patients Should Care About Candida Overgrowth?

Candida is a natural organism that can be found in everyone's gastrointestinal tract. It becomes a problem when it overgrows and progresses to a systemic yeast infection that is also known as candidiasis and affects many organs at the same time. When candida cells excessively multiply it can cause a chronic or recurrent yeast infection. Candida Albicans is responsible for the majority of Candida infections. Symptoms of candida infection in women can be silent or evident and vary from person … [Read more...]

9 Natural Ways to Improve Sleep and Get Back to Sleeping Like a Baby

Guest Post by Karen Brimeyer, Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner Are you surprised to learn that there are 84 classifications of sleep disorders? I sure am. In fact, there are over 42 million people suffer from a chronic sleep disorder. But you might be even more surprised to find that the majority of those people are also unknowingly suffering from Leaky Gut. If you want to learn how to improve sleep, read on. You may think that your lack of sleep is no big deal … [Read more...]

Precision Nutrition System

People with Hashimoto’s disease require a special diet that supports healing of leaky gut syndrome and does not include foods that trigger autoimmune response, food allergies or any over stimulation of their immune system.  Those who are just starting to adjust their diets to this new dietary requirements may feel overwhelmed and find that numerous restrictions are difficult to follow. A great thing is that you actually do not need to reinvent a completely new diet. There are currently two … [Read more...]

Hashimoto’s disease and Thyroid Inflammation Treatment

Both iodine deficiency and high iodine levels can trigger thyroid inflammation and lead to Hashimoto's disease. If you are subscribed to the Nutritional guide for Hashimoto's and hypothyroidism you may already know that excess of iodine is the best established environmental factor which can cause autoimmune thyroiditis which is an inflammation of the thyroid gland. In the following guest article Dr. A. Haskell describes how low iodine levels can lead to Hashimoto's and what 6 most important … [Read more...]

Fat is Not Your Fault – Weight Loss is Not Just About Diet and Exercise

Guest Post by Dr. Bryan Walsh, ND Bold statement, but it's true. If losing weight were simply about following a diet and exercise program, why are so many new books being written on the subject? Because they aren't working and honestly, it's time people learned the truth about fat loss. Let me first make one thing clear - diet and exercise are necessary for weight loss. Without them, weight loss won't occur. But what happens when diet and exercise don't work? Unfortunately this … [Read more...]

Corn Gluten Causes Damage in Patients With Celiac Disease

A Guest Post by Dr. Peter Osborn, D.C., D.A.C.B.N and an Author of the book Truth About Gluten: Why over 90% of gluten-free diets fail A 2005 Study published in the journal Gut identified that corn gluten caused  an inflammatory reaction in patients with celiac disease. There have been a  number of research studies pointing out the detrimental effect that corn gluten  plays in those with gluten intolerance. Corn is a grain. Corn has gluten. Many believe that corn gluten does not  induce … [Read more...]