Archives for 2015

6 Embarrassing Thyroid Symptoms That Should Never Become Your New Normal

There are many concerning symptoms that can be caused by thyroid disease, however there is one problem that no one talks about it. In fact, millions of women as early as in their 30s or those who are in peri-menopause and menopause are silently suffering because they... 1. Don't enjoy sex as much as they used to 2. Experience embarrassing urine leaks 3. Having painful intercourse due to vaginal dryness 4. Just don’t have enough energy for intimacy with their … [Read more...]

Why Improvement Of Thyroid Function Does Not Always Result In Weight Loss

Many women who have hypothyroidism are frustrated that they cannot lose weight even after their thyroid function has improved while on medication. According to testimonials of many thyroid patients, some of them “cannot lose weight no matter what they do” and others, at their best lose only a minor portion of weight that they gained during the time of being hypothyroid. Research studies confirm that weight loss after treatment of hypothyroidism with thyroid medication is moderate. It is … [Read more...]

Don’t Cut This Sugar Out Of Your Thyroid Diet

I am not a big supporter of cutting out all sugar from your diet when you are hypothyroid or have Hashimoto’s. Why? It’s simple, your thyroid and body need the right amount and type of sugar to properly function and to heal. One of the proven ways to support your thyroid is to make sure that you use nutrient-dense foods as your main source of energy. While many diets and weight loss programs tell you that sugar makes you gain weight or that the body does not need carbohydrates to be healthy, … [Read more...]

How Your Thyroid Can Send You To The ER

While most people enjoy summer and warm temperatures some of you might find it impossible to feel comfortable in the hot weather. Unfortunately, rising summer temperatures also mean an increase in the number of emergency room visits. Certain health conditions are likely to cause you more symptoms on hotter days and it might be to do with your body’s ability to adapt to the heat and your hormones. Have you ever had heart palpitations, chest pain, shortness of breath, anxiety or even a panic … [Read more...]

Is Hypothyroidism The Biggest Medical Misdiagnosis Of All Times?

25th of May is traditionally a World Thyroid Day that aims to raise the awareness of thyroid disease. Approximately 750 million people worldwide are affected by thyroid disorders and this number is constantly increasing. As hypothyroidism reached epidemic proportions so did the medical ignorance and the amount of people who remain undiagnosed and undertreated. [Tweet "The consequences of undertreated #hypothyroidism are bigger than you may think"] Do you know that preventable medical … [Read more...]

A New Research Initiative To Study Inflammatory Bowel Disease (IBD)

Pfizer’s Director of Precision Medicine, Dr. Kenneth Eugene Hung This summer 23andMe launched a new research initiative to study Inflammatory Bowel Disease. 23andMe has the good fortune to be collaborating with Pfizer on this study. Pfizer brings a wealth of experience and a great team of scientists to help in this work. Among those is Pfizer’s director of precision medicine, Kenneth Eugene Hung, who is both an MD and a PhD. At Pfizer, Dr. Hung has spent the last two years working as a … [Read more...]

Practical Tips How To Overcome Fatigue And Improve Your Energy

There is no doubt that fatigue is a huge life and dreams killer. This is just the truth. When you are fatigued, it feels like you are living only half the life you were meant to live. You are just watching your life go on without you. In a way, it’s almost like being paralyzed, because your body just won’t let you do the things you want and love to do. It’s easy to feel hopeless when you’re in that state. But you don’t have to stay this way… Announcement! One week ago a best-selling … [Read more...]

8 Out-Of-The-Box Tips How Not Forget To Take Your Thyroid Medication

Most people with hypothyroidism have to take a prescription medication to replace missing thyroid hormones. It is usually taken in the morning up to one hour before breakfast. However, the problem is that memory issues are one of the hypothyroid symptoms and some patients often just forget to take their meds. It gets even more complicated if you have to take more than one drug at a different time of the day. For example, Synthroid in the morning and Cytomel divided in 2-3 doses throughout the … [Read more...]

Where Does Bread Fit In Your Thyroid Diet?

  For many of us bread is the food we love and some go so far as to say that they cannot live without it. But there are a lot questions as to where bread fits in your thyroid diet. Some of you may have gone on a gluten-free diet, limited their sugar and carb intakes, adopted an autoimmune Paleo protocol, GAPS or any other healing diet necessary to improve their health. Often this requires a restriction or even a complete avoidance of eating bread and a need to look for substitutions. … [Read more...]

Why IBD Patients Are NOT Helpless Victims Of Their Genetics

A special diet, surgery or medication... which IBD treatment is right for you? Recent research studies say your genes will have the answer. In fact, your genetics can help to explain a common phenomenon why people with IBD who get the same treatment get different results: some patients improve while others do not. [Tweet "Discover why #IBD patients are NOT helpless victims of their #genetics"] Based on clinical, radiologic and endoscopic findings, Inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) is … [Read more...]