Archives for 2017

What Are The Best Lab Tests For Thyroid Function

Lab tests help to identify thyroid imbalances and make necessary changes needed to restore compromised thyroid function. Evaluation of the symptoms combined with appropriate lab testing is the best approach to make a diagnosis of subclinical and clinical hypothyroidism, postpartum thyroiditis and postpartum depression, autoimmune Hashimoto's and Graves' disease and monitor thyroid treatment. In fact, thyroid disorders are very common, yet it does not mean that they are always properly and … [Read more...]

How To Stop Autoimmune Attack On Your Thyroid

Conventional medicine continues to treat Hashimoto’s disease without taking into consideration that it is an autoimmune condition. Shifting of the immune system is the underlying cause of the autoimmune disease when the body’s immune system becomes imbalanced. It is impossible to stop the autoimmune attack on the thyroid gland without understanding the fundamentals and re-balancing the immune system. [Tweet "How to stop #autoimmune attack on your #thyroid"] Two levels of immune response The … [Read more...]

Thyroid-Healthy Halloween Candies You Can Make At Home

Halloween is one of the most fun and sweetest occasions of the year. However, for people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's it can create a major throwback because of the sugar- and allergen-laden ingredients in the treats. Many hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's patients have food allergies, are on a gluten-free diet or just need healthier thyroid-friendly alternatives with a lower glycemic impact. Finding a safe Halloween treat can become a daunting task especially when your kids come home … [Read more...]

If You Have This Bug You Want To Get Rid Of It

Helicobacter Pylori or short H pylori is one of the most common worldwide human infections. It can be found in your stomach, digestive tract, oral cavities and dental plucks and is considered as a pathogenic infection that is classified as group 1 carcinogen by the World Health Organization’s International Agency for Research on Cancer. Besides causing many digestive disorders Helicobacter pylori is known to be one of environmental triggers of autoimmunity and leading causes of both … [Read more...]

3 Ways How Coffee Can Heal And Save Your Thyroid

A guest article by Tom Brimeyer, Functional Medicine Practitioner and Author of Hypothyroidism Healing Program and Hypothyroidism Exercise Program In the not so distant past, coffee has been put through the ringer. It’s been called every bad name in the book. Many so-called “health experts” have even gone as far as to label coffee as a highly addictive drug that is equivalent to a number of illegal narcotics. But now, the “coffee” tables have turned because more and more research is being … [Read more...]

How To Use Vitamin B12 For More Energy When You Are Hypothyroid

Many hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's patients have a hard time to restore their health and energy levels even when they are taking thyroid medication. The truth is that most patients also have other imbalances that come together with thyroid problems and can affect their energy. If you feel constantly tired it may be the result of a vitamin B12 deficiency that is so common in thyroid patients. [Tweet "#Thyroid Tip: How To Use Vitamin B12 For More Energy When Your Are … [Read more...]

Your Guide To Treating Thyroid Related Wrist And Hand Nerve Pain

Everybody experiences hypothyroidism and autoimmune Hashimoto’s disease differently because symptoms vary considerably. Often we don’t even realize that some of our symptoms are actually thyroid related. Despite a significant amount of research it comes as a big surprise to many thyroid patients that painful tingling sensations, numbness or burning in their hands, wrists, elbows and arms can be due to a thyroid imbalance. In fact, hypothyroidism is one of the main causes of nerve pain and a … [Read more...]

Why Does Hypothyroidism Cause Hair Loss In Women?

One of the most common complaints I hear from women with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's is hair loss. Thinning hair, bald patches and hair loss can be devastating because they not only affect how we look but also how we feel. As many as two thirds of women can experience hair loss during their life time. According to American Academy of Dermatology, about 40% of women have noticeable hair loss when they reach the age of forty. For many, hair problems are not only a cosmetic issue that makes … [Read more...]

5 Anti-Thyroid Side Effects Of Antibiotics You Need To Know

Drugs are not always the answer, especially when it comes to a compromised immune system in people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s. Antibiotics have been used for decades as a medication that kills or slows the growth of bacteria. This class of drugs is among the most frequently prescribed medications today. They are useful in the treatment of infections, pneumonia, allergies and skin problems. Thousands of children, adults and animals are being treated with antibiotics every year and they … [Read more...]