Bonus Recipe To Ease IBD Flare Up: Natural Apple Sauce

Home-made Apple Sause

Home-made Apple Sauce

Natural or home-made apple sauce is a perfectly safe sweet treat or quick snack that you can introduce after you make sure that you can tolerate vegetable soup. It is easy to digest and is also a good source of vitamin C.

Peel 5-6 middle sized apples, slice them into chunks and put in a pot. Add one cup of water, some honey and dash of cinnamon and simmer for about 1.5 hours on a low heat in a covered pot.

Then let it cool down a little bit and puree using a blender or a food processor. You may need to add a little bit of water to keep your blender going and reach the consistency that you like.

This simple but delicious desert is perfect on the go and can provide you with nutrients you need.

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