Claim your FREE 20-pages Report written by a Certified Holistic Health Coach who specializes in thyroid conditions and a Naturopathic Nutrition Advisor
Your gut and liver are two most important organs in your body that support a healthy thyroid function. In people with normally functioning thyroid and those who take thyroid medication, conversion from T4 thyroid hormone into the active T3 form has to take place in order to perform metabolic action in your body. Your healthy metabolism not only depends on thyroid hormones secretion within your thyroid gland and/or amount of thyroid medications your are taking but also relies T4 to T3 conversions. People who have diminished T4 to T3 conversion can have multiple hypothyroid symptoms, unexplained weight gain and low metabolism despite normal lab test results.
Did you know that most of T4 to T3 thyroid hormone conversions occur in your gut and liver?
Your metabolism and thyroid function highly dependent on a normally functioning thyroid and liver.
With that in mind a free Thyroid Detox report was created to give you insights into major factors that affect your thyroid health.
- Why detoxify and some good reasons why you could consider detoxing
- Who should detoxify?
- How do you know if you have digestive issues or your digestive system needs help?
- What results to expect from detoxing?
- The 7 key sources of toxicity that are crucial for your thyroid health
- 5 Most common myths and misconceptions of detoxing
- What you can do right now to improve thyroid function by detoxing?
The detox described in this report is critical for people with hypothyroidism but will also be highly beneficial for your overall health, energy and weight loss.
The Thyroid Detox Report also gives you an access to free three-part intensive video classes and free teleseminar “7 Toxins killing your thyroid” and much more. All these materials alone — if acted on — can jump start your thyroid immediately. The Thyroid Detox report, video classes and teleseminar are completely free of charge. For all the details and to get started right away please enter your email below to instantly get Thyroid Detox report.
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