As promised here is your link to the Thyroid Detox Report which is in .pdf format.
To read click on the link and give it some time to load the report.
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*If you are using a Mac computer, you may not have a right mouse button. In this case, hold down the “Ctrl” button and click on the link.
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You will learn how food, water, emotions, parasites, drugs, household items and skincare products are ALL cause or contribute to your thyroid problems, hormonal imbalances and increased toxicity.
Get to the bottom of these and you will see how you can reclaim your energy, mood, weight and overcome depression and anxiety. Two thyroid specialists will share with your their first-hand experience and
5 Key Detox Strategies That Will Improve Your Thyroid Function:
1. The 7 critical toxicity sources you must know about that are sabotaging your thyroid every day.
2. How these toxins are impacting your thyroid health (applies to both hypo- and hyper).
3. How to eliminate, reduce or neutralize them in practical and affordable ways so you don’t get overwhelmed.
4. How to create a clear, step-by-step plan of action by prioritizing the toxic sources in your life.
5. The top mistakes people make about toxin elimination that will save you cash, not to mention your health and sanity.
Why to join? Because how else would you heal?
The truth is that nobody has been really talking much about detoxification for thyroid health, in a holistic, simple and practical way. So we decided to do it.
Because I know you have tried many things.
Doctors. Including the holistic ones.
Healers . Quacks and good-meaning ones.
Diets. Weight Watchers, juicing and vegetarian.
Exercise. Gym, hours, yoga, running (hating it but still pushing through it).
Books. All sorts.
Nutritionists. Whatever.
Pills . Anti-depressants, anti-anxiety meds, laxatives.
Nothing worked.
OK, sometimes it did; you lost 3lb when your friend lost 10.
Yup, I hear ya.
Very few people really understand the thyroid and even less know how to fix the butterfly around our neck. This is why two thyroid health specialists decided to help you so that you know what action to take. And do it.
You can enroll into detox program here