Nourishing Your Thyroid: The Start To Reclaiming Your Thyroid And Adrenal Health

Andrea beaman Sale

I bet that by now your are feeling overwhelmed with special offers that are coming your way this week-end. But which offer will make you feel better and save you money?

Here is THE one!

I’d like to introduce you Andrea Beaman, a natural food chef, Health Coach and Thyroid Expert who was diagnosed with her thyroid condition in 1996. She helped thousands of people to heal their thyroid since she started coaching in 1999.

Andrea is the only Health Coach that I know who was able to completely shrink her goiter, hasn’t had any thyroid symptoms for more than 17 years and is not on a life-long restrictive diet to maintain her vibrant health.

Instead of taking foods away and cutting them out of your diet Andrea focuses on putting more variety on your table. Her recipes are delicious and her approach to adrenal health is very different from the mainstream holistic crowd.

Today Andrea Beaman, natural food chef, Health Coach and Thyroid Expert offers

50% off on ALL thyroid books and DVDs

Use coupon code blackfriday50 and Take 50% OFF her products until midnight.

Since I know you care about thyroid health, I’d like to highlight her new **Happy Healthy Thyroid Book Bundle** that is included in today’s promotion.

It includes my Happy Healthy Thyroid book, Nourishing Thyroid Health DVD, and Nourishing Adrenal Health DVD that with your discount you can get at half price.

Here’s what I suggest you do right now:

Click here to go to the today’s 50% off page

• Pick the books and DVDs you want, and add them to your cart
• Enter coupon code **blackfriday50**
• Select GO!
• Get ready for some awesome discoveries about how to improve the thyroid and adrenals naturally!

Nourishing Thyroid Health

P.S. This Black Friday discount will end at midnight. Use your code blackfriday50 to save now!