Would you like your voice to be heard? I would like to let you know about this new and exciting opportunity to help thyroid and autoimmune disease research offered by a health research company. Patients (14 and +) and Caregivers (family, friends) from ANY COUNTRY and of ANY DISEASE, disability, disorder, syndrome or condition including including thyroid disease, Hashimoto's and Graves' disease, hypothyroidism, hyperthyroidism, diabetes and autoimmune conditions are invited to voice … [Read more...]
Archives for July 2019
How To Recover From Hypothyroidism By Restoring Your Thyroid Hormone Pathway
Have you ever wondered why so many people who become hypothyroid never fully recover? This happens to so many people despite trying different types and brands of thyroid medication, supplements, diets, natural remedies and making lifestyle changes… The problem with most thyroid treatments is that they don’t take into consideration how efficiently thyroid hormones are used by your body. In best case they just focus on supplying thyroid hormones in a synthetic or natural form but don’t pay any … [Read more...]