Do you like big discounts ? Well, you're in luck because this year you can get some of the best thyroid supplements at a great discount for the next couple days. 1.5 Key Nutrients all IN ONE BOTTLE To Control Blood Sugar And Insulin Resistance In Hypothyroidism ay up to 43% OFF and FREE USA Shipping It's well known that hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's can affect your blood sugar making you predisposed to insulin resistance, diabetes and hypoglycemia. Unfortunately, common advise to: ▪Cut out … [Read more...]
Archives for December 2014
How To Enjoy Thyroid Friendly Desserts This Holiday Season
Every time you have to follow a special diet weather it is for thyroid or gut healing, weight loss or just trying to eat healthy I bet that your favourite desserts are not on your menu. And here is the thing: It doesn’t matter how hard you try to keep up with your diet sooner or later you find yourself staying in front of the fridge, your favorite bakery or ice cream shop and cannot refuse the temptation any more to have one. You probably beat yourself up afterwards. You probably told … [Read more...]