Archives for September 2011

The Best Place To Start When You Don’t Know What To Eat For Your Low Thyroid

Do you know what is the biggest frustration most  people with hypothyroidism and Hashimoto's disease have when it comes to thyroid diet? They don't how to make food work for them and not against them... Most are confused and overwhelmed with food reactions and symptoms they get after nearly every meal. They struggle to find the time and energy to cook creative thyroid healthy meals that don't take "forever" to make. On top of that they to do all the things they should not do: Go … [Read more...]

4 Keys To Successful Weight Loss With Hypothyroidism

Many women who have hypothyroidism gain weight and have difficulties to shred these stubborn pounds despite taking thyroid medication, diet modifications and regular exercise. The main reason why hypothyroid patients cannot lose weight is due to uncorrected or undertreated hormonal imbalances. At hypothyroidism, metabolism slows down all body functions. Many patients who take thyroid medication and have normal lab test results still can experience hypothyroid symptoms including difficulties … [Read more...]