Archives for May 2011

Embarrassed Or in Denial? 5 Signs of Dysbiosis

Guets Post by Karen Brimayer, Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner You try to eat healthy but are still struggling with dysbiosis? Do you still get the feeling that something is still not quite right? Are you tired of dealing with the embarrassing sounds and smells? Do you feel like you're always tired no matter what you eat? I feel your pain because I have suffered from dysbiosis before myself and so have just about all of my clients. Sure, no one wants to talk about … [Read more...]

Hormonal Imbalances In Young Women And How To Fix It

More and more women experience symptoms of hormonal imbalances years ahead of menopause in their mid-thirties. The common health issues are fatigue, night sweats, insomnia, painful periods, low libido, migraine, infertility, mood swings and weight gain. Most of these complaints are in fact, estrogen dominance symptoms when the action of estrogen is not compensated by sufficient amounts of progesterone. Both hormones estrogen and progesterone are necessary for optimal health. Estrogen is a … [Read more...]

Leaky Gut and Your Chronic Health Symptoms and Conditions – Back to the Basics

Guest Post by Karen Brimeyer, Holistic Nutritionist and Functional Medicine Practitioner One thing is for sure, everyone wants to be healthy. But there are millions of people suffering from Leaky Gut and the vast majority doesn't even know it. So what can you do for your gut health? First of all, let's get one thing straight. Poor health, diseases, conditions, and symptoms (you name it) occur because of one fundamental rule is broken. The body has fallen out of balance. So it only makes … [Read more...]